I recieved a text message from reverend George telling me that he needed 30 000 Kes to pay the fee for the national exams for grade 8. Knowing that this is really important, whereas I contacted the Swedish ladies asking them to contribute with 5 000 Kes per family. I was really happy that they were more than willing to contribute and quickly I got 20 000 Kes in place. I asked my mother to contact her friends to ask for another 10 000 Kes.
On sunday we’re going to the beach for the brake, but when we get back I hope some more has agreed to contribute. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the last 10 000 Kes in place before November 7, because that’s when it’s due!
Thanks to Karin, Linda, Åsa, Christina, Jeanette and the Öberg family for giving the money needed! Unfortunately, I couldn't join the group going there on tuesday because of school, but I’m happy my mother managed to deliver the fee for the exams to reverend George, he was hugely appreciative for this! No kid in Excellent will be excluded from Secondary school because the fees for the exams were not paid!
The Öberg family also brought notebooks, pens (for the older students) and stuffed animals (for the kindergarden classes) from Sweden to the school. The children in 5:th grade in Sweden wanted to make pen-pals in Excellent school and the kids happily accepted. This is a great way for both Swedish and Kenyan kids to practice their language and writing skills as well as exchanging experiences and learn about other countries. The father in the Öberg family is a priest, and this is great - Reverent George usually think the Swedes has a bad connection with God. Now we could prove him wrong! I hope this restores some of his faith in the Swedish people!
It was very successful in both getting the funds needed, but also for my own experience. I felt awkwardly by knocking on the doors and ask for donations. Personally I would not like to do the door knocking process again.
I also got to see pictures of the new water tap that we managed to raise money for. It is fantastic that they now have their own water and can wash their hands and clean the toilets without carrying the water so far. Imagine that these small things we take for granted can actually be so important. The sanitary situation is really getting better in the school because of the money we raised. Both concerning the new toilets and the water tap. Hopefully no kid will get sick just by going to school. My mom also arranged for a visit to the school on Saturday in two weeks, so I can join. I’m really looking forward to it!