We really need the rain! Last couple of weeks has been really dry in Kenya. I kind of enjoy when it's raining buckets, but on the other hand - I have the opportunity to stay indoors and not get too wet, but in the Nest there is going to be problems with drying the children's clothes. Maybe it's time to go by and see if they need my help?
I've visited the school in Mathare during rains before and it is hard to describe what the kids have to endure. Imagine dirt paths turning into mud and leaky roofs and iron sheet walls in school! Even their homes must be very wet and muddy (most rooms do not have cement floors, but just dirt ones).
Because of the lack of sewers, the streets are probably very hard to walk on without sliding and on top of that - how do they keep clean? There is nowhere to hang the laundry (I'm usually annoyed with the clothes lines hanging all around school, making it hard for the kids to pass, but I do understand the need to have them there!)
I can just see the small kids in front of me, trying not to slide in the mud and not to get their school uniforms dirty. It must be impossible! However, it is not all bad - we need it and it brings out the termites! We hate the termites flying around in big numbers, attracted to light. That means you have to turn of your lamps and close the windows or they will be all in the house. In the morning, they loose their wings and are lying around in droves on the floor, like small maggots. Some of the Kenyans actually eat them - so maybe a few kids in Mathare will get a protein boost tonight!
View from our window
In the evening I learned from the news that a mudslide in Mathare 4 A (the school is in 4B) had killed 9 people and injured 2! Texted George and both he and his family were fine. A day later I got another text that none of the kids in school were affected by the mudslide, but some of them were homeless. Considering there was a big fire about a month ago, there are now about 10 kids in school with no homes. Next visit I'll bring blankets!