
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Luck is contagious!

I can't believe my luck! My mom is the communication director of the Swedish society and today a very interesting e-mail landed in her in box.
She showed it to me, and I could not believe my luck! It was from two girls in Sweden who wanted a contact with a school in Nairobi - all for their CAS. They were enrolled in an pre - IB program and I immediately answered their mail. The had BIG plans with their project and I told them I could be their "local  contact person" and even gave them the opportunity to live in our house for free, if they would visit.  Their project is called "Children for Children" and they were going to raise money for schools in Kenya to gain international experience and to build the awareness that not everyone is as fortunate as they are. They have done a lot of good stuff before like "Operation Shoebox", helping orphans in Eastern Europe. I also mailed the link to my CAS blog - so hopefully they will take a look at our projects! I hope they will choose Excellent as the one to be on the receiving line for their efforts! I'm so excited. I got an answer the day after and the seemed to be very interested in our school, and I need to book a meeting with George to discuss things. They also wanted me to send a movie about the project. I'm going to start producing it right away!


Ifyou can read Swedish - you would know the story about children for children..

Here is a screen shot of their blog.

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