
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Buying female stuff for the girls

I know there is a problem with the girls in Excellent. It's not that they talk behind each others back, or are concerned with boyfriends and other usual "girlie" stuff, it's actually having a problem once a month with going to school (at least the older ones). I know this is a real problem, and my mother discusses it with George often. He tells us that when the girls have their period, they can't go to school because of lack of protection and sometimes even underwear. I kind of close my ears when these discussions are coming up, but of course I pick up a thing or two. George tells us that the girls usually come to school anyway, wrapping their red sweaters around their waist to avoid embarrassment. Even though I don't want to hear about these problems, it is quite upsetting that the girls can't afford the equipment needed once a month for any teenage girl. On the next visit, my mom is going to bring pads and underwear so they can be handed out from the office as needed. We bring a Nakumatt bag or two every time we visit. It's usually toiletpaper, soap, lightbulbs, notebooks, chalk for the black-board and pens. Through our close connection with George, we get updates on all the things needed. Next time it will be pads, underwear, tea and copy paper!

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