
Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer projects

Going to other countries gives a great opportunity to market my Cas projects. During the summer I had many meetings with people who has shown interest in supporting my work in Excellent school. I also managed to meet some of the people who already are sponsors and tell them about the progress.
I invited two parties to Kenya for a visit in the school, guided by me. It was also fantastic to have a meeting with the IB students in Bollnas, Sweden who also are working to help the school. They were really cool people and very enthusiastic about the project. I'm sure they will do a fantastic job and it's clear that it goes beyond their Cas requirements.
Doing this inspired me to take a day to inform people by e-mail, both previous donors and other people who has shown interest. I also spent a lot of time thinking about approaching companies and googling how to get in contact with the right persons.
By discussing my project with family friends and relatives I got many new ideas on how to do some marketing and spreading my project further than to my immediate social group and I need to do some further investigations and planning to make this happen. I just hope the internet is not going to fail me because I realize that internet is going to be important for this to succeed. 
I've also managed to persuade my father to help spreading information about Excellent in his, really big, networks. However, he wants me to further investigate the owner conditions and more about how the school is organized. After buying so many rooms it's only fair to clear up who are holding the deeds to these rooms and what would happen in a "worst case senario". My dad thinks these are questions I should be able to answer and I have to agree with him.
I also hope that new ways of communicating my project will help me with my creativity cas hours, because I need more of those according to my Cas coordinator. I really want to focus my cas work this year on Excellent school and my Taekwondo, so I rather not start any new creativity projects.
I've had continuos e-mail contacts with reverend George. He still has a problem moving the last person out of the school area. Be both agree, however, that time and patience will solve this problem.

Leaving this:

to go back to this:

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